Ceramic Coating, How long does it last, what are the benefits & top tips to extend its life

At Mr. Detail, we exclusively apply Gyeon Ceramic coating, which comes with a lifetime warranty. We offer two options: a standalone base coat or a combination of a base coat and a top coat. Let's delve into the advantages, longevity, and recommended maintenance to ensure your ceramic coating remains in pristine condition.

Gyeon ceramic coatings are a type of automotive surface protection product that utilize nanotechnology to create a durable and long-lasting protective layer on a vehicle's paint and other surfaces. These coatings are designed to provide a high level of protection against various environmental contaminants and can enhance the appearance of a vehicle's finish. Here are some key points about Gyeon ceramic coatings:

  1. Nanotechnology: Gyeon ceramic coatings are formulated with nanoparticles that bond to the surface of the vehicle at a molecular level. This results in a strong and hydrophobic (water-repellent) barrier that can withstand exposure to UV rays, chemicals, bird droppings, tree sap, and other contaminants.

  2. Long-Lasting: One of the primary benefits of Gyeon ceramic coatings is their longevity. When applied correctly and maintained properly, these coatings can last your cars entire life.

  3. Protection: Gyeon ceramic coatings offer excellent protection against the elements. They help prevent oxidation, fading, and damage caused by UV rays. They also create a slick and smooth surface that makes it more difficult for dirt and contaminants to adhere to the paint, making washing and maintenance easier.

  4. Enhanced Gloss and Depth: Many users report that Gyeon ceramic coatings enhance the gloss and depth of their vehicle's paint, giving it a "wet" or "glass-like" appearance. This can contribute to a more attractive and eye-catching finish.

  5. Hydrophobic Properties: Gyeon coatings are known for their hydrophobic properties, meaning they repel water and make it bead up and roll off the surface. This helps to reduce water spotting and keeps the vehicle looking cleaner for longer.

  6. Professional Application: While some automotive enthusiasts may choose to apply Gyeon ceramic coatings themselves, many opt to have them applied by professional detailers. Proper surface preparation and application are crucial for the coating's effectiveness, and professionals have the tools and experience to achieve the best results.

  7. Maintenance: Maintaining a Gyeon ceramic coating typically involves regular washing with pH-neutral or ceramic-specific car wash products, avoiding abrasive cleaning methods, and periodic inspections to ensure the coating's integrity. In some cases, a top-up or reapplication may be necessary after a few years to maintain the coating's performance.

  8. Variety of Products: Gyeon offers a range of ceramic coating products, each designed for specific surfaces such as paint, wheels, glass, and trim. Some products are tailored for DIY enthusiasts, while others are intended for professional use.

How to maintain your ceramic coated car!

Maintaining your Gyeon ceramic coated vehicle is essential to ensure the coating continues to provide protection and enhance the appearance of your vehicle's surfaces. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to properly maintain your ceramic coating:

  1. Regular Washing:

    • Use a high-quality, pH-neutral car wash shampoo we recommend Bathe + and you must use this shampoo to uphold your lifetime warranty.

    • Avoid using harsh or abrasive detergents, as they can degrade the coating over time.

    • Rinse the vehicle thoroughly with water or foam to remove loose dirt and contaminants before washing.

  2. Two-Bucket Method:

    • Fill one bucket with the Bathe + and another with clean water.

    • Dip your wash mitt or sponge into the soapy water, wash a section of the vehicle, and then rinse the mitt or sponge in the clean water bucket before reloading it with soap.

    • This prevents dirt and grit from being reintroduced to the paint, reducing the risk of scratching.

  3. Gentle Washing:

    • Use soft, clean microfiber wash mitts or towels to wash your vehicle. Avoid using brushes or sponges that can scratch the surface.

    • Wash your vehicle in straight lines or a back-and-forth motion rather than in circles to minimize swirl marks.

  4. Rinse Thoroughly:

    • After washing each section, rinse thoroughly with clean water to remove all soap residue.

  5. Drying:

    • Use a high-quality, clean Silk Dryer drying towel to gently dry the vehicle.

    • For the real enthusiasts use a blower to blow dry

  6. Maintain a Clean Environment:

    • Whenever possible, wash your car in a shaded or indoor area to prevent water spots caused by rapid drying in the sun.

  7. Bird Droppings and Contaminants:

    • Remove bird droppings, tree sap, and other contaminants as soon as possible. These can be acidic and can damage the coating if left unattended.

    • Gently blot or lift off the contaminants rather than scraping or rubbing them.

  8. Avoid Automatic Car Washes:

    • Automated car washes with abrasive brushes and harsh chemicals can degrade the ceramic coating. Opt for hand washing or touchless car washes when possible.

  9. Avoid Abrasive Polishing:

    • Refrain from using abrasive polishes or compounds on your coated surfaces, as these can remove or damage the coating.

  10. Professional Inspection and Maintenance:

    • Periodically have your ceramic coating professionally inspected to ensure it's still providing optimal protection. Professionals can recommend necessary touch-ups or maintenance steps. We offer 2-year inspections here at Mr. Detail

By following these maintenance guidelines and keeping your Gyeon ceramic coated vehicle clean and well-protected, you can enjoy the benefits of enhanced appearance and long-lasting protection for years to come.

Morgen McMillan